Category: Structural balance is essential for health!
Uneven leg length can cause back pain
Did you know leaning on one leg messes up your back and can shape your spine and create a functional scoliosis. What is a functional curving of the spine. If you were not born with a curvature of the spine but have one now the cause most likely are due to the following: Injury Poor posture…
Start improving posture and circulation at home with Cat/Cow pose
Today it’s a reality we deal with fast paced work and play environment and most of us do understand posture can suffer because of it. We all have felt the aches from poor posture so it can be a direct influence on how good we feel. This doesn’t always mean we take the steps necessary…
5 easy ways to prevent back pain and improve your posture
Do you need to be worried about back pain? When you are young and your joints are strong, poor posture usually doesn’t cause pain or limit mobility. As you get older, however, if poor posture goes uncorrected, you begin to feel the effects on your joints. It will become more difficult to sit for long periods or…
Why proper breathing is smart
I mean, it’s just breathing right? It’s so much more than that. What should be happening when your breathing right: Your throat neck and traps should be minimally or not involved in breathing. We want breathing to come from trunk, not your face. If you are using accessory muscles to breathe, they’re not being used…
What happens when you have a hormonal imbalance?
3 chief culprits of female hormone issues according to Dr. Daniel Kalish: EMOTIONAL STRESS (such as death, divorce, etc within a year or two of loss), DIETARY STRESS (sugar, excess carbs, food sensitivities, eating too much (even healthy foods)), stress from PAIN OR INFLAMMATION (hidden inflammation, chronic infections in gut, which causes them to be…
Four ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day, (and they’re not what you think).
It’s February! We made it through the holidays just to get inundated with notions of chocolate, flowers, bling, and extravagant weekends in wine country to ‘reconnect with the one you love’. But what if we pass on the chocolate and Ziggy cards and approach the day (or the whole month!) with a focus on connecting…
How c-section scars interfere with the body’s messaging system
You have done everything right but you may be wondering why you still feel disconnected to parts of your body weeks after recovery time from your surgical incision or worse you are starting to have pain that keeps coming back. C-Section scars can interfere with the body’s messaging system. Many women who have had a c-section will…
Posture and chronic low back tension, soreness and pain
Is this statement true for you? My back is killing me and nothing I do helps. Proper bio-mechanics demand a lot of things, one of which is a person’s ability to maintain proper muscular length-tension relationships. As is the case with any joint, a postural abnormality and pain can develop when a muscle is tight while…