How a movement practice can help muscular imbalances and dysfunctional patterns

If you’ve grown frustrated with lack of daily movement, it’s time to make a consistent plan. I got you!

First as to why it’s so important:

From your brain to your joints, moving every day has the power to improve every part of your body. And it’s not just about high-impact, sweat-inducing exercise, either. It’s simple – whether you choose to implement small movements into your routine or try a new activity like cycling or yoga, increasing your daily mobility can help upgrade your overall health.

Neuroscientist Daniel Wolpert once said: “We have a brain for one reason and one reason only – that’s to produce adaptable and complex movements. Movement is the only way we have affecting the world around us…I believe that to understand movement is to understand the whole brain. And therefore, it’s important to remember when you are studying memory, cognition, sensory processing, they’re there for a reason, and that reason is action.”

Knowing how to move and strengthen your body helps maintain muscular health. Helps you reduce the  dysfunctional movement patterns that develop from poor posture, chronic pain and degenerative diseases. We just don’t move the way our body was meant to and learning new skills requires practice. Relearn how to move your body today! I say it all the time, “how can you strengthen a muscle you can’t activate”.

And learning anything requires practice–we all know this. Establishing new patterns of movement to address old patterns of imbalances requires practice. Our goal is to work together to identify the root cause and treat the imbalances and dysfunctional movement patterns to prevent chronic pain. Once your body get’s back to normal it’s important to maintain the new pattern by incorporating a strengthening program. Ideally this is a synergistic union of strengthening and neuromuscular therapy.

That’s why I’m excited about partnering with MFM Yoga: Mobility for Mindfulness with Manny to give clients an option of practicing conscious movement that is different from a workout.

What is Practice?

When you’re just getting started with learning a new skill, practicing the components of that skill over and over will allow you to make the progress you want.

Practice requires focusing on the quality of your movements, with less intensity than you’d employ with a traditional workout. That doesn’t mean practice isn’t challenging or taxing–quite the opposite. For many people, slowing down and practicing the details of a movement can be more challenging than pushing as hard as possible.

MFM Yoga w/Manny
Is a mobile practice based in Fort Worth Texas (972) 375-2138
To learn more MFM Yoga  view him on instagram
Offering online single sessions and monthly programs are available.