Your hips don’t lie – Dedicated dynamic stretching and movement can restore proper range of motion in the hips

Try moving your hips forward and backwards, side to side and rotate them. Is it easy or does take some effort? Do you feel any pain or soreness?

Your hips don’t lie!
The hip joint is one of the most mobile in the body, so why can’t you move yours? Having stiff and tightness in the hip can cause all sorts of problems for anyone, including:

Bad posture
A protruding belly (regardless of weight)
Higher risk of injury
Increased anxiety levels

Numerous lower body problems can be caused by inefficient pelvic and/or hip stabilization. Our body works as a whole and when certain regions are not performing optimally, the body will find a way to move using another muscle or joint in a less efficient manner.

Your hips drive the vast majority of your movements, holding the key to everything from walking to squatting. If they lose range of motion, you’re bound to compensate somewhere else – like low back and knee pain.

Fortunately, tight hip should not be permanent. Dedicated dynamic stretching and movement can restore proper range of motion in the hips. Here are a couple that work well and especially now you want to add to your wellness routines.

Internal Rotation of the hip

This stretch should be performed while sitting in a chair.

1. Cross your left leg over the right. Your left ankle should lay across your right thigh.

2. Using your left hand, gently push down on your left thigh until you begin to feel resistance.

3. Tilt forward at the hips. Make sure your chest is up and your back is straight.

4. Hold this position for about 30 seconds, then repeat on the opposite side.

External Rotation of the hip

This exercise should be performed while sitting in a chair.

1. Cross your left leg over the right so the left ankle sits just past the right thigh.

2. Grab your left knee with both hands and pull it back and to the right. If it helps, think of it as pulling your knee towards your right shoulder.

3. Tilt forward at the hips slowly. Make sure your chest is up, your back is straight, and make certain you aren’t hunching.

4. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

Butterfly Stretch

1. Sit on the floor and put your feet together so that the pads of your feet are pressed against one another.

2. Grab hold of your feet with both hands and press them into the ground. At the same time, bend at the hips to bring your groin closer to your heels. Here is a demo of this stretch Butterfly stretch

3. Hold for 30 seconds.

Care should always be taken both during the act of stretching as well as planning it. If you ever feel pain during any of these stretches then you may need to modify them. I do provide a online consult just let me know.

Be Safe and well,
