Uneven leg length can cause back pain
NeuroKinetic Therapy is a concise roadmap to the “why” of dysfunction.

Did you know leaning on one leg messes up your back and can shape your spine and create a functional scoliosis. What is a functional curving of the spine. If you were not born with a curvature of the spine but have one now the cause most likely are due to the following:

  • Injury
  • Poor posture
  • Body compensation patterns
  • Uneven leg length
  • Tight or spasmed muscles
  • Inflammation
  • Results from wear and tear on the discs and joints of the spine, is likely to cause back pain

A good clue you have a curve is when you favor one leg more than the other when you stand. All these factors combined can lead to different problems including an S-curve of the spine.

Similarly when your’re more pronated on one leg, it will cause a chain reaction of a collapsing of the knee which in turn drags your hip down. You end up experiencing pain in your neck, back, hips and you have no idea that all these problems are originating from your feet and various areas of your core.

Guess what there are solutions for you and you don’t have to wait until you are in pain.

If your hip and your feet are not communicating ( abs included ) they’re not going to want to work in synchronization to create a stable base for your torso, chest, upper back, neck, shoulders and head.

There are exercises out there that promote a fix but what if the core just cannot respond to strengthening because muscle function has been compromised you can make things worse by only strengthening the dysfunction instead of the core this then can lead to injury and pain.

Schedule a structural balance therapy today to get assessed and improve muscle function to help align the body and begin adapting it to respond to stabilization of the core and reduce or even eliminate these problems.

An ounce of Prevention is worth a pound of cure.