One of the most important things to recover after an injury is the confidence in the movement.

One of the most important things to understand about your body is that it is largely governed by the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS gets to decide what muscles fire, how strong and fast they are, how far they will elongate, what motor patterns and postures you adopt, and whether you will experience pain. Your body is hardwired with a massive overabundance of reflexive and unconscious mechanisms to protect your body from physical damage.

The science of motor control theory states that the motor control center in the cerebellum stores all the coordination patterns of the body. With treating muscle and structural imbalances as the first line of defense encourages the body to change and move appropriately. This is crucial to start reassuring the CNS that you can perform movements safely.

The message โ€“ if you want to reduce your pain and improve range of movement, your target for change must include the brain, not just the body.

A good assessment can help with changing the way the brain thinks about the body.
