Category: Chonic Low Back Pain
One of the most important things to recover after an injury is the confidence in the movement.
One of the most important things to understand about your body is that it is largely governed by the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS gets to decide what muscles fire, how strong and fast they are, how far they will elongate, what motor patterns and postures you adopt, and whether you will experience pain.…
Tips for traveling with back pain
Whether you’re traveling by plane, train or car, being prepared is the key to avoiding chronic pain flare-ups. If you’re traveling alone, it’s important to have every last reservation and travel accommodation dialed down to the minute. Arrive at the airport or train station 30-45 minutes earlier than you normally would to beat the hustle…
Uneven leg length can cause back pain
Did you know leaning on one leg messes up your back and can shape your spine and create a functional scoliosis. What is a functional curving of the spine. If you were not born with a curvature of the spine but have one now the cause most likely are due to the following: Injury Poor posture…
Start improving posture and circulation at home with Cat/Cow pose
Today it’s a reality we deal with fast paced work and play environment and most of us do understand posture can suffer because of it. We all have felt the aches from poor posture so it can be a direct influence on how good we feel. This doesn’t always mean we take the steps necessary…
How c-section scars interfere with the body’s messaging system
You have done everything right but you may be wondering why you still feel disconnected to parts of your body weeks after recovery time from your surgical incision or worse you are starting to have pain that keeps coming back. C-Section scars can interfere with the body’s messaging system. Many women who have had a c-section will…
Posture and chronic low back tension, soreness and pain
Is this statement true for you? My back is killing me and nothing I do helps. Proper bio-mechanics demand a lot of things, one of which is a person’s ability to maintain proper muscular length-tension relationships. As is the case with any joint, a postural abnormality and pain can develop when a muscle is tight while…
Self healing tip to recover from sciatica pain
You don’t always need to reach for pills when feeling pain. If you’re in pain, and ibuprofen just won’t cut it. Anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, don’t agree with your stomach, and you’re wary of stronger meds. It’s fortunate, you have alternatives and natural ones. You can take back control of your body and recover from sciatica…
Pregnancy and low back pain
What can I do about low back pain during pregnancy? First, let me reassure you that your are not alone, 48-90 % of all women will complain of low back pain during pregnancy. The reason is as your baby grows there are normal hormonal changes that cause the ligaments that support the pelvis and low back to stretch. The postural changes tend to put…