What can I do about low back pain during pregnancy? First, let me reassure you that your are not alone,  48-90 % of all women posturehealthpregnancywill complain of low back pain during pregnancy.

The reason is as your baby grows there are normal hormonal changes that cause the ligaments that support the pelvis and low back to stretch. The postural changes tend to put more strain on the low back.

What is the best way to treat this and prevent further problems down the road. 

  • Improving posture and movement habits to avoid putting a strain on the back.
  • Strengthening the muscles that support the back.

Want to know what you can do at home? Create healthy habits and be consistent with them.

  • Sleep on your side with 2 pillows between your knees and ankles.
  • Sit with support (a small pillow) at your low back.
  • When standing for a long time, “unlock” your knees and keep feet at least hip width apart.

You want to avoid these bad habits

  • Standing on one foot while getting dressed. (Instead sit down to put on pants and socks)
  • Using one leg to push things along the floor (a laundry basket, kid’s toys etc)
  • Taking a large high step. (stepping over a baby gate or stepping into a high/large SUV)
  • Sitting on sofas or chairs that allow your hips to sink lower than your knees.
  • Excessive weight gain. Gain only as much weight as recommended by your Doctor.
  • Wearing high heel shoes. Low heels are better during pregnancy.

You may read and think these seem obvious but when your pregnant it’s a whole different story and it’s more about how to protect your back, so be mindful about:

Getting in and out of bed:
To get into bed: sit at edge of bed, move to your side keeping your knees hip width apart. Roll to your back with knees held hip width apart rather than separating your legs.

To get out of bed: roll to your side (keeping knees hip width apart), lower legs over the edge of the bed and push with your bottom elbow and top hand against the bed.

To get out of a chair: Come to the edge of the chair, keep your knees apart and squeeze your buttocks as you stand up.

To get in a car: First, sit down on the seat by backing in, keep knees hip width apart and pivot to get into the car.

Lastly, strengthen those muscles that promote good posture like glute squeezes.

  • Consistent self care
  • Regular exercise
  • Moderate weight gain
  • Good body mechanics

The keys to minimize or avoid low back pain.  I hope this has been helpful for you and please feel free to share these tips.
