Bone broth is a method utilized by our savvy ancestors that entails boiling animal bones (fish, bison, poultry or beef) with veggies and spices (for taste), yielding mineral dense byproducts. BIO-AVAILABLE NUTRIENTS THAT ARE IN EASY TO DIGEST FORM.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” ~Hippocrates

I think Hippocrates was on to something because here are the benefits of bone broth:

• High in amino acids which is needed for collagen production. Hello beautiful SKIN, HAIR and NAILS.
• High in gelatin content to sooth and heal the gut, increasing absorbency of foods. DIGESTION!
• Enhances IMMUNE function and mitigates the effects of colds, flu and respiratory infections.
• High in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus make bone broth useful in the growth and repair of BONES and TEETH.
• Because broth supports smooth connective tissue, it has also been said to decrease CELLULITIS.

There are many recipes on the internet and here’s the steps I take to make this liquid gold.


This is a before and after picture of me making grass fed beef bone broth. Liquid gold!
This is a before and after picture of me making grass fed beef bone broth. Liquid gold!
  • 1 organic and grass-fed your choice of Beef, Chicken bones or even chicken feet
  • 16 cups of water
  • 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
  • Pinch of Celtic or Himalayan salt
  • Veggies of choice (we have used celery, onion, garlic, cilantro, oregano, leeks, parsley, carrots … choose the veggies to taste that you love, make it yours!

Place bones in crock pot and pour cool water over bones. Add ACV and salt. Let sit x 20-30 minutes. Chop veggies and herbs of choice. Add to pot. Bring mixture to boil. Beef broth/stock: 48 hours – Chicken or poultry broth/stock: 24 hours After simmering said minutes (see above), let broth cool. Strain infusion, leaving veggies and remaining bones behind. General rule, the longer it boils, the more nutrients and gelatin qualities extracted. But go with the time you have. (IE for chicken, boil 4-24 hours, receiving more benefits at 24 hours because the bones have the opportunity to cook down for a longer duration of time). More water may need to be added as the broth cooks down. Store in glass or ceramic containers.

HOW TO USE?? I use the bone broth for soups, as cooking stock for grains (Quinoa, Wild rice, etc..), in a mug for a warm drink, sauteing veggies. You can also use for sauces, gravies and reductions. Get your broth on and heal your body!!!