I have been following the natural cures movement by Dr. Josh Axe it has been very informative he talks about natural remedies to the diseases of the 21st century. Made me think about the cold and flu season and what steps to take for extra defense with natural remedies against illness. Just a quick disclosure I just discovered essential oils and started selling them and love using them as remedies.

My secret weapons

chickensoup1. Build immunity with foods. Eating a high-quality, nutrient-dense diet is one of the most powerful ways to maintain health and prevent disease.

Make home made chicken soup with plenty of garlic, enjoy a steaming bowlful. The health benefits are incredible, really. Here are just some of the advantages to preparing homemade stock:

  • Boosts immune system
  • Aids digestion
  • Increases efficiency of protein use
  • Provides easily digestible minerals, including calcium
  • Can improve symptoms of: joint pain, common cold, peptic ulcers, tuberculosis, diabetes, muscle diseases, infectious diseases, jaundice, cancer, food allergies, colic, maldigestion, inflammatory bowel disease, osteoporosis, pain and inflammation, cramps, muscle spasms, delusions, depression, insomnia, irritability, hyperactivity, anxiety, palpitations, hypertension, high cholesterol, allergies….

2. Scratchy throat – I go way back with this one and used it for my kids. I like to use a spoonful of lemon and honey works very well especially at bedtime. You can also try honey lemon tea.

3. For lung support

Breathe respiratory blend: Use at the onset of cold, flu, and congestion. Apply topically with thorough massage to the back, neck, shoulders, chest, and feet. Combine with hot compresses for best results. I recently purchased this essential oil blend and convinced my husband to use it for his snoring. It actually has helped him, by applying one drop to his nostrils he sleeps soundly (very happy I can sleep again) he only wakes up to apply it again if necessary. To avoid reapplication I am planning on using a diffuser, will keep you posted on how that works. If you want to use this on children I would recommend mixing it with coconut oil before you apply it.lemonforhealth

Lemon oil: You can rub this around the ears and lymph nodes around the neck it allows them to drain. It can feel hot on some people so simply add 2 drops of the Lemon oil to a bit of coconut oil (or olive oil or ghee) to dilute it and then rub that mixture in. I do have an essential oil kit available that includes lemon oil.

4. Take a bath (remember to drink LOTS of water before and after a hot bath to avoid dehydration when you are ill!) sit in a hot “detox” bath. Many people rave about the benefits of a detox bath while fighting the flu.

5. Spice it up! Cinnamon, coriander, and ginger promote sweating and are often used to help break a fever. You may also be able to unclog your stuffy nose by generously spicing up some dishes with cayenne, horseradish, or (for lovers of sushi) wasabi. Each of these condiments can shrink the blood vessels in your nose and throat to temporarily relieve congestion.

6. Flu defense essential oil recipe. For a runny nose, swollen glands, exhausted and you just feel terrible, I am making the following recipe to take internally for extra defense against the flu.  4 drops Oregano Essential Oil, 4 drops Frankincense Essential Oil, 2 drops Peppermint Essential Oil, 1 Drop On Guard Essential Oil. I will have this available in my office just in time for this cold and flu season.

Bonus! Did you know that getting a regular massage helps boost your immune system by increasing the activity level of the body’s natural “killer T cells,” which fight off viruses. You don’t have to tell me twice to get myself one, getting regular massage keeps me ticking. This is preventative only once you’re sick, not a good idea to get one. It could make you feel a lot worse and you can get the therapist sick.

Are you prepared to keep your family healthy this season? Wishing you good health….and feel free to share any remedies you might have.

Disclaimer: This blog post is for information purposes only as I am sharing my experiences. This Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.