The Most Important Thing about Sports Injuries — Is How Not To Get Them

injuriesIt’s important to understand how having your muscular system in good shape, gives you a lot of extra “insurance”, against sustaining more profound injuries playing sports or just living life.

Traumatic injury, or injuries sustained from an “outside” or external source (like sports-contact injuries, or being hit by an object…or the ground, for example) do frequently occur; and no one is exempt.


“After an injury tissues heal, but muscles learn” Janet Travell M.D.

If an injury occurs, it’s smart to consider how best to encourage the most rapid and complete recovery possible.

One of the most common (and understandable) errors is strength training too early. Determining which muscular imbalance patterns are involved is the key, and help release overly contracted tissues, while facilitating a toning/tightening response in the muscles that need to become more stronger and more active.

NMT can help you identify and change poor postural habits at the job, in the car, and at home; and, provide hands-on therapy to immediately increase your range of motion, ease of movement, and put a little more distance between you and muscular or sports injuries. Sports injury clinical massage could be just the thing you need to recapture the enjoyment of your sport!