Category: Structural balance is essential for health!
Harnessing the Power of Holistic Healing: Exploring How Scars Influence Mobility
Embark on a profound exploration of the intricate dance between scars and mobility within the human body. As a dedicated holistic neuromuscular practitioner, I delve into the connections between scars and the delicate balance of internal networks, prioritizing their impact in my practice. Join me on a journey of understanding and harnessing the power of…
Revitalize Your Foundation: Maximizing Foot Power for Balanced Living
Rediscovering Your Foundation: The Remarkable Role of Your Feet Welcome back to our exploration of the forces shaping our bodies! In this edition, we’re diving deep into an often-neglected but utterly crucial aspect of our anatomy: our feet. These unsung heroes quietly support the forces coursing through our bodies, from compression to tension and beyond.…
Unveiling the Power of Fundamental Loads: Shaping Your Body’s Experience
Welcome to this edition where we explore the fascinating realm of the five fundamental loads sculpting our bodies. These forces—compression, tension, shear, bending, and torsion—are more than abstract concepts; they deeply influence our physical experiences. Unpacking the Fundamental Loads: Compression: Compresses tissues together. Tension: Pulls and elongates tissues. Shear: Forces pushing in opposing directions. Bending:…
🍵🍋 Ginger Tea – A recipe to soothe your muscles and boost wellness! 🌿✨
As a neuromuscular massage therapist and holistic practitioner, I’m a firm believer in natural remedies that complement our journey toward wellness. Ginger tea is recipe to soothe your muscles and boost wellness! In particular, holds remarkable properties that can be a game-changer for arthritis management. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of ginger tea have been…
2024 Wellness: Core Tune-Up™ and Movement Mojo™
Hello everyone, Experience Wellness Revival in 2024: Core Tune-Up™ and Movement Mojo™ for Reflexes & Harmony! Among our proudest achievements stands the development of Core Tune-Up™, a trademarked method meticulously crafted to aid in maintaining symmetry, core strength, and synchronized breathing. This proven approach has brought relief to many, addressing back pain, neck discomfort, and…
Keeping our back straight. Why the biggest and strongest muscles of your entire body need your help
Muscle imbalance forces the body into a position where muscles can’t work efficiently and puts lots of stress on weak areas. One example of this is between the anterior (the front of your body) and posterior chains of the body (the back of the body). Sedentary lifestyle and desk jobs force anterior chain to get…
How a movement practice can help muscular imbalances and dysfunctional patterns
If you’ve grown frustrated with lack of daily movement, it’s time to make a consistent plan. I got you! First as to why it’s so important: From your brain to your joints, moving every day has the power to improve every part of your body. And it’s not just about high-impact, sweat-inducing exercise, either. It’s…
Your hips don’t lie – Dedicated dynamic stretching and movement can restore proper range of motion in the hips
Try moving your hips forward and backwards, side to side and rotate them. Is it easy or does take some effort? Do you feel any pain or soreness? Your hips don’t lie! The hip joint is one of the most mobile in the body, so why can’t you move yours? Having stiff and tightness in…
In response to covid19 we are now online to empower you to prevent chronic pain
[huge_it_share] Spinal stabilization and proper body/spinal mechanics are important for everyone. these are elements which help you maintain good posture, whether you are sitting or standing. Spinal stability ensures the muscles in your spine are working in the right way to properly support and stabilize the spine. ; NEW! Online Virtual Outcome based Posture Therapy…