A. Neuromuscular Therapy is an outcome-based and scientifically grounded healing modality. I provide a completely hands-on, individualized alternative to conventional Physical Therapy – Specializing in Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow, Tendonitis and most shoulder and Rotator Cuff Injuries.

Q. Is NMT painful?
A. In no case, will I use an intensity or duration of pressure that is not OK with you. There are no “surprises,” and no sudden thrusting motions used in NMT; you’ll have plenty of time to communicate with me about your degree of comfort. NMT, when applied properly, produces the “it hurts so good” response in most people. NMT is a deep tissue technique, which provides profound muscular relaxation and relief of tension and pain. During treatment we frequently employ a “number system” to accurately determine the appropriate amount of pressure to produce maximal therapeutic response. Your wishes will always be respected.

Q. How many sessions will it take before I feel better?
A. Although the factors that affect treatment outcomes are many, it is likely you’ll know after two or three sessions of NMT whether or not this treatment approach can help you. The duration of treatment for a specific soft-tissue pain syndrome will be determined by a host of interacting factors.

When and how did the pain/injury occur?
Where diagnostic tests performed and what were the results?
Is there some problem with your mattress or pillow or the number of hours you spend driving?
What, if any, environmental or work-station factors cause or contribute to the pain syndrome?
Are appropriate corrective stretching and strengthening exercises employed routinely to assist in the rehabilitation/prevention process?

Unless your pain syndrome was caused by an accident or overt trauma, it is highly likely that certain “lifestyle” adjustment need to be made in one or more of the areas mentioned above. I will assist you in assessing the most likely contributors to your pain syndrome, and help you make the changes necessary to get you out of pain.

A. The impact of the pressure, manipulation, stretching, and motion central to body-work therapies affect physiological changes in the body that promote healing and restoration.

Dr. Maria Hernandez-Reif, from the Touch Research Institute (TRI) at the University of Miami, who is known for her massage research, states that “The incredible benefits of massage are doubly powerful if taken in regular ‘doses’”. Researchers have done outstanding work proving the value of massage. While their studies have shown we can benefit from massage even in small doses (15 minutes of chair massage or a half-hour table session), Hernandez-Reif says they know from their research that receiving bodywork 2-3 times a week is highly beneficial.

IMPROVED CIRCULATION: Tension in muscles impairs the flow of blood (transport of nutrients and energy to, and wastes from, tissues) and lymph (central to the functioning of the immune system), both of which are necessary for body maintenance, repair, and defense against disease or infection.

RELEASE OF TENSION: Absence of complete recovery from psychological or emotional trauma manifests in the body as tension in muscle that not only impairs circulation, but can also affect the skeletal structure of the body sufficiently to impair function and mobility; flexibility, range of motion, and the proper tracking of joints are adversely affected.

A. Lowering the level of muscle activity will locally reduce the need for energy and oxygen and the rate of production of metabolic wastes. It will also reduce the muscular pressure on surrounding tissues, effectively improving circulation and recovery from use. Manual therapy facilitates a better homeostasis.

A. There are several contraindications. If you have any of the following conditions:
Any type of infectious disease
Systemic infections
Severe cold
Fracture, bleeding, burns or other acute injury
Blood clot
Pregnancy-induced diabetes, toxemia, pre-eclampsia/eclampsia
High blood pressure (unless under control with medication)
Heart disease
Cancer (unless prescribed or okayed by doctor)
Open skin lesions or sores (therapist may work around them if localized)
Prohibited by a physician

The guidelines here are pretty straightforward. You don’t want the massage to make an underlying medical condition worse, and you don’t want to pass anything contagious to the therapist. If you’re unsure about whether a minor condition should prohibit you from coming in, call your therapist before your appointment. If you have a chronic medical condition, check with your doctor before proceeding on a course of manual therapy. For some illnesses, other bodywork modalities may work well.

Q. Do you take Insurance
A. Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) Massage treatments for pain management, injuries, illnesses, and stress related conditions are eligible for FSA pre-tax spending. We recommend asking for a prescription from your physician. Although not always necessary for FSA approval, a prescription ensures that your treatment will be considered therapeutic and medically necessary. We will provide receipts necessary for FSA submission.

Health Insurance We do not directly bill insurance. However, we will provide receipts for services to submit for third party insurance billing. Each insurance plan is different, and we encourage clients to file for reimbursement. Even if your claim is declined, each submission increases insurance industry awareness of the medical necessity and proven benefits of receiving massage therapy. You also may want to check out my Cancellation, no-show and late arrival

As of NEW 2014! I am a practitioner for Massage Therapy with the American Specialty Health Network (ASH) and the Choose healthy affinity programs. Members please call to verify eligibility

A. No but any gratuity is always at the discretion of the client.

Disclaimer: The information found throughout this website is for educational purposes only, please contact your physician for questions about your health.

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