Lifestyle and Nutrition health assessment process on SKYPE™

Assess your stress, learn how chronic stress is affecting your health. This service is available to people around the United States thanks to services like SKYPE™! If you’re in Chicago, I am available for in-person and have programs that includes structural balance therapy.

5 Steps to Address Your Health Goals and Roadblocks:


  1. Schedule a Free 15 Minute Phone Inquiry. We will discuss your needs and health goals.
  2. You will receive the Lifestyle and Nutrition questionnaire to fill out.
  3. Schedule an online skype session or a session onsite use my online scheduler
  4. A session begins with a Q&A discussion of your specific goals and concerns. Through a series of comprehensive questions, responses given provide insight into individual needs and deficiencies.
  5. We discuss recommendation based on the C.H.E.K. Nutrition and Lifestyle health assessment and Primal Pattern® Eating for your body type diet results with recommendations.


  • The session using video are $85 prepaid so you will be billed before the first Skype™ or Google hangouts session.
  • Includes: Health and Primal Diet Questionnaire
  • Time: Online 50 mins – Onsite 85 mins
  • Location: Your computer via Skype™ or Google hangouts video call
  • Time Zone: CST (Central Standard Time)
  • Available: In English or Spanish
  • Can be scheduled between Monday to Thursday. For a Monday appointment please send me a request via contact page

This will help you focus on reducing stress to the body and creating long term changes, which is the cornerstone of a successful and sustainable healthy lifestyle.

Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional prevent chronic pain today! Go to ScheduleNOW and click on “Uncover the path to wellness”.

Not local? No worries! I work with people all over the world via phone and Skype!

Get started with a Complimentary Phone Consultation Now!


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