Lifestyle and Nutrition Health Assessment

Assess your stress, learn how chronic stress is affecting your health.

Have chronic health issues crept up and you just don’t know where to start to make lifestyle changes. It is really hard to navigate recovery and restoring health. Knowing the foods that support you and give you immunity, reduce inflammation and give you more energy is only half the battle. Accountability and support in supporting your health is irreplaceable.

As a Holistic Lifestyle Coach, one of the things I do is help people bring balance back into their body so they may feel their best. If you aren’t feeling well, have bouts of fatigue and irritability, some digestive upset, etc., I can help you overcome these types of issues. I work with people to create a road map to health so they may begin or continue their journey to increase health and vitality.

There are several components that we address and work on, starting with the one the person needs the most work to bring balance back into the body. No matter what the issue, having a coach to guide you really helps. It’s the small things that matter, contact me for a free 15 minute consultation.

Empowering you to make effective changes in your life to feel more energetic, less sore, and prevent chronic pain!

Where do we start:

  1. Lifestyle and Nutrition analysis.
  2. Food Sensitivity Testing (confirms if your gluten sensitive, etc..)
  3. Adrenal Stress Testing.
  4. Vitamin D Testing

Why does lifestyle and nutrition matter in restoring muscle health? It’s important toappleaday remember that pain is a symptom and most often results from a combination of physical, mental, dietary deficiency and emotional factors.

  • Are you sleeping poorly?
  • Always tired?
  • Feeling anxious
  • Maybe dealing with acid re-flux, Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Candida (yeast infection)
  • Or “I don’t know what’s wrong with you so let’s call it IBS”
  • Suspect you have gluten sensitivity
  • Do you have chronic symptoms that are not getting better?
  • Is your body going through stressful life changes?

We will work together to look for and address the root cause! Food and lifestyle routines are considered the most important medicine. By identifying the roadblocks and making the changes your body needs. This will then reduce stress to the body and build a foundation for long-term, sustainable health without gimmicks or quick-fixes. Gain individual and practical ways to reduce stress to your lifestyle, to help you achieve balance to your body’s chemistry.

Heal your body right! Eliminate food cravings and promote optimal body weight, improve sleep, balance emotions and support healthy digestion.

Working with me you will:

  • Get Stronger
  • Learn what quality of food will best fuel you
  • Lose Weight
  • Strengthen Your Heart
  • Increase Energy
  • Improve focus
  • Improve digestion
  • Lower Cholesterol Levels
  • Help relieve chronic pain
  • Move Easier
  • Increase Bone Density
  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Receive dedicated support
  • Enjoy Life


Let me guide you back to the life you love. Schedule your free 15-minute consult today and let’s get you on the road to true recovery and wellness. Click on Schedulenow button

Recommended reading list
 You Are What You Eat

How to Eat Move and Be Healthy book Author and Presenter Paul C.h.e.k. founder of the C.H.E.K Institute.

Health Bundle – How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy book, DVD and You Are What You Eat audio program


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