What is NeuroMuscular Therapy?

Empowering clients to participate in their healing journey is fundamental in NMT, fostering active engagement and deeper body awareness.


NMT offers a comprehensive approach, identifying muscular imbalances and reestablishing proper functionality within the neuromuscular system.

The goal of NMT is pain elimination, addressing five key elements rooted in physiological principles that contribute to pain. These elements are:

Biomechanical Disturbance: Imbalances in the musculoskeletal system due to faulty movement patterns (e.g., poor lifting techniques, incorrect posture during activities like keyboarding, or flawed mechanics in sports movements).

Ischemia: Tissues suffering from poor circulation, causing muscular contraction that restricts nutrition and oxygen flow. Chronic muscle tightness contributes to ischemia, resulting in pain; this may relate to conditions like fibromyalgia.

Trigger Points: Coined by Dr. Janet Travell, these are discrete soft-tissue areas with low neurological activity that, when stimulated, become high-activity areas, causing referred sensations in other body parts.

Nerve Compression or Entrapment: Pressure on nerves due to bone, cartilage, or soft-tissue structures, leading to symptoms like numbness, tingling, and decreased muscle function.

Postural Distortions: Muscular system imbalances caused by poor posture, often a common source of pain.

Athletes particularly benefit from neuromuscular therapy sessions as they can enhance their performance and accelerate recovery.

NeuroKinetic Therapyโ„ข the concise roadmap to the “why” of muscle dysfunction.